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The Thinking School



The first and most important step is to help you assess what you already do and work with you on a strategic plan. This will be done in partnership with your teaching and learning development team. The aim will be to help your school community build a culture that supports quality thinking and independent learning.


After discussion with you about your needs, an experienced consultant will be assigned to your school to provide support and guidance throughout the whole process of implementing the strategic plan and arranging appropriate training for staff. The menu of training opportunities we can offer includes modules on:

Teaching learners to use effective tools and strategies to develop quality thinking.
Making learning more reflective through philosophy and metacognition.
Developing a school culture where Habits of Mind such as curiosity and persistence flourish.
Helping learners to understand rich concepts and essential questions in all subjects.
Evaluating and assessing teaching and learning for better thinking.

Formal Recognition as a Thinking School

The Centre for Cognitive Education at Exeter University will provide you with a means by which you can assess your school's progress towards becoming a Thinking School following this process of planning, implementation and review. If you can meet the criteria developed by Exeter University you can apply for a certificate of recognition from the university as a Thinking School and will receive a mark to add to school literature. This mark will include the university logo.


We will work with you throughout the process of you acquiring 'Thinking School' status and creating a culture where thinking and learning can flourish. We will also link with other schools that have made similar commitments. We consider that two years is a likely timescale to work together.

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